EUNICE ENERGY GROUP (EEG) had an outstanding presence in 83rd Thessaloniki International Fair, as well as its complementary energy-oriented events. 83rd TIF was held from September 8th to 16th, at Int’l Exhibition & Convention Center, having USA as Honored Country. EEG’s Stand 20, Pavilion 10, gained the interest and admire of representatives from domestic and world energy market, technical and scientific community, institutions and public vector, and – most encouraging fact- the interest of visitors and youth.
The message delivered by EUNICE ENERGY GROUP is that “Our World is Changing” since progress in energy production from Renewable Energy Sources has an rapidly increasing impact in people’s life.
EUNICE ENERGY GROUP (EEG) invests, implements novelties, contributes in planet scale projects, taking the lead in major technological, economic and social changes of our times towards the state of Energy Democracy. Soon, the former energy consumer will be a netprosumer -a producer as well as part in energy exchange grid.
Talk of the fair was about high-tech 50KW wind turbine EW16 θέτις, which is manufactured in Greece by EEG and attracted all visitors. MADE IN GREECE sign on the turbine inspired and gave pride to all Greeks. Visitors and market executives expressed their admiration and support to EEG’s effort to keep up with pioneers in new energy scene. A short presentation of corporate achievements proved that EUNICE Energy Group (EEG) is at the forefront of investment and technological developments, shaping and promoting major energy changes that are changing the world.
Quite an impact had also the presentation of S4S (Storage 4 Saving, Solutions, Smart Grid, Sustainability), a hybrid system that produces, storages and distributes energy from RES. Developed by EEG, S4S has already been implemented at awarded Project TILOS. Using VR technology, visitors took a trip to the small island in the Aegean Sea which is now the very first energy independent island in the world.
In the context of 83rd TIF, EUNICE ENERGY GROUP (EEG) held a special event to present the content and potential of ENERGY COMMUNITIES, a new institution. As a result, EUNICE ENERGY GROUP (EEG) announced its involvement in:
- Agricultural Energy Community of Thessaly, based in Larissa, created by the cooperation of Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food with General Organization of Land Improvements in Thessaly and six Local Organizations of Land Improvements from Larissa and Karditsa.
- Energy Cooperative Company of Karditsa
- Energy Community of Fournoi Korseoi, the first energy community in island Greece, an initiative of Mayor Kostas Maroussis followed by almost all residents, which is non-profitably supported by EEG.
During 83rd TIF, many people visited EEG’s Stand and got informed by the staff about corporate activities and ongoing projects. Among them, executives and representatives from : The State and Government, Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Opposition and parliament parties, USA Embassy and other European Embassies, International Organizations from Business, Energy and Bank sector, Research and Academic Institutions, domestic and foreign chambers, companies of Public Sector, Regions, Municipalities, Agricultural Unions and Cooperatives, domestic and foreign funds, corporations and companies.