📣 Mr. Andreas Borgeas, CEO of Greece – Africa Power Interconnector (#GAP), as a distinguished participant in the esteemed 27th Annual Economist Government Roundtable – The Great Transition | Geopolitics • Environment • Technology.
👉 “I think what we could do, is make sure that there is very strong investment in infrastructure, the heart of infrastructure and the evolution of Greece’s infrastructure for tomorrow’s needs… We seem to run away from fossil fuels and then we will go to electricity and then maybe we’ll go back to wind and maybe we’ll go to hydrogen. It’s pretty simple if we look at the Southeast Mediterranean as a network, as a hub, and it’s emerging as an energy hub for the region… That is a unique role that Greece is going to play, and it will continue to evolve if it does it very smartly and effectively… I think is important for us to remind ourselves that we should be looking at multiple opportunities to connect North Africa and Greece… Battery storage also has emerged as something incredibly important and so is hydrogen and wind… In Eunice Energy Group, for example, we are optimistic that we are going to be selected for a battery storage project in Northwest Greece. Eunice was also selected for not one, but two #hydrogen programs.”
✅ “The more that we can integrate with policymakers to achieve the desired outcome, it will be the best outcome, not just for Greece, and the Mediterranean, but for the international community. Because energy is an international security matter!”
You can watch Mr. A. Borgeas’ full speech in the following link: link.