Spyros Kokkolios
Electrical Engineer
Project Manager Aftonomo by EEG
In the building sector, property and business owners and technical consulting engineers are facing new challenges with regard to energy autonomy, saving energy and financial resources, upgrading the building stock, and, above all, improving the quality of life and environmental protection.
Aftonomo by EEG
Aftonomo is the innovative integrated energy autonomy and independency solution developed by the Greek EUNICE ENERGY GROUP (EEG) in collaboration with JOLT for homes, businesses and industry.
It finds perfect application in the “Exoikonomo-Aftonomo” (“Saving and Autonomy”) program, which comes as a successor to the successful “Exoikonomisi kat’ Oikon” (“Saving at Home”) programs, but also as the first big step to combine energy upgrading with the energy autonomy of buildings.
The EEG Group has gained worldwide recognition by implementing the only operating project for the production, storage and intelligent management of energy from wind and sun in the island of Tilos. The Group will soon expand its technological innovation to four (4) more islands in the Aegean: Anafi, Donoussa, Leros and Fourni Korseon.
At the same time, the Group successfully implements the Aftonomo system in homes and businesses throughout the country’s urban centers and rural areas, utilizing its experience in the design, development and operation of autonomy systems, applying cutting-edge technologies and pioneering to implement its futuristic ideas.
Fig. 1: Actual installation of an Aftonomo system in Nafpaktia – Illustration of a PV system on the roof of a residence.
The solution we offer consists of RES power generation systems, an electricity storage system, an electric vehicle charger, and smart devices and applications that allow the user to control and manage the electricity produced and consumed. For more information about the Aftonomo smart system for energy autonomy & independence by EEG, visit our official website www.aftonomo.gr
Fig. 2: Overview of the Aftonomo system by Eunice Energy Group (EEG)
Aftonomo – Sizing platform for engineers
Calculations and sizing of the Aftonomo system can be done quickly and easily by the interested engineers, through the platform developed by the EEG Group.
The platform operates in an online environment where engineers, after a simple registration procedure, can enter the basic data and components of the installation for a residence.
Such data are, for example, the region where the property is located, the annual electricity consumption, the square meters available for the installation of the photovoltaic system, and other functions such as the consumption profile and other data that can be collected directly from the customers.
The data can be entered easily and quickly into ready-made forms and the engineer instantly receives analytical results for the appropriate equipment of the energy self-production, storage and management system, with indications of the resulting financial benefits, the energy savings achieved and much more. In other words, the platform directly produces the results for an integrated Aftonomo system solution to be installed at their client’s property.
Fig. 3: Illustration of data entry into the dimensioning platform
More specifically, results are given for:
- the number of photovoltaic panels and power to be installed
- the number and type of inverters of the system
- battery capacity
- support systems to be used for the entire installation
- the results for annual money savings and pollutant reduction (CO2)
- indicative system cost
By using this tool, the installer can quickly and easily get results for an integrated energy autonomy solution to suggest to his client.
The tool essentially frees the engineers’ hands in the sizing of the system, as the platform takes into account a wide range of criteria, so that the system proposed by the engineer to the customer meets the specific requirements and real needs of the end consumer. In other words, it suggests an applicable and feasible solution customized to the specific characteristics of each residence.
The engineer can suggest and apply the result produced by the tool to his client. The platform offers absolute ease with regard both to the input of the data and the interpretation of the result.
More specifically, EEG Group’s online application provides engineers / installers with the following advantages:
- Easy use and data entry
- Time saving, thanks to immediate results
- Acquisition of know-how on energy autonomy and management systems
- Integrated product to suggest and install at the customer’s property
- Communication and services from one single contact point, as the Aftonomo system is a integrated solution
With energy autonomy systems, engineers/installers gain access to a new field of activity. Until now, the more common solutions were energy upgrade systems, for example through the “Exoikonomo” program or “Net Metering” energy offset systems. Now, users are given the opportunity to move on to the next step, beyond the concept of energy offset, and to participate in the concept of energy upgrading and independence.
EEG group’s sizing platform is offered to installers free of charge through the link https://mixanikos.aftonomo.gr/, through the EEG website https://bit.ly/3mxVE2e or via the official Aftonomo webpage https://aftonomo.eunice-group.com/.
Smart energy management – JOLT system
The Aftonomo system by EEG Group is fully compatible with JOLT, the integrated solution for smart energy management and saving for businesses and residences. JOLT includes a wide range of smart devices and applications that allow the user to control and manage the electricity they produce and consume. More specifically, it uses smart meters to record and monitor consumption in real time, while loads can be controlled by smart remote switches and smart plugs.
Fig. 5: Management of the autonomy though smartphone
The communication and operation of all individual parts of the equipment (smart devices, pv inverters, battery inverters, ev chargers, etc.) is carried out by JOLT’s central energy management system, while the JOLT application for smartphones allows users to monitor their consumption and give commands to specific devices. For example, it allows users to charge batteries, turn on the electric water heater, remotely turn off air conditioners, and schedule the charging of their electric vehicle.
Video: Implementation of smart energy management in a home
JOLT applies energy management optimization algorithms in order to minimize energy costs, while using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to achieve optimal load management and to ensure the energy self-sufficiency of the installation.
The software that has been developed is responsible for measuring of both consumption and the energy produced by the photovoltaic panels, the monitoring of the energy status, and the management of the energy stored in the batteries.
For the direct and reliable transmission of data, technologies and protocols are used that are applied in IoT (Internet of Things), using wireless communication and modern communication protocols, thus distinguishing itself from the competition.
The software consists of an application for smart phones as well as an online platform which is available via the internet from any browser. These applications allows the user to monitor in real time the “energy status” of his/her home or business, but also to make decisions and send commands based on his/her financial interest through more efficient energy management.
An important feature of the applications provided to the user is that it can send notifications regarding savings tips, but also inform the user when certain consumption limits are exceeded.
An additional feature provided by the application, is the scheduling of smart switches, either on a recurring base or for a specific date and time. Also, the user can be informed about his past consumption by graphs both at week, month and year level.
Thus, NetProsumers take control over their electricity bills and energy status. This allows users to schedule when and how to consume electricity, avoiding unnecessary consumption and eliminating costs.
Fig. 7: Full control of energy consumption at your fingertips